- 論文の詳細を見る
This project is coporated with 3 universities and 1 high school in Kyushu and 1 university in Shikoku. From south, Takakuma University Forest (Kagosihma Uni versity), Tano University Forest (Miyazaki University), Miyazaki University Forest (Kyushu University), Mihana School Forest (Hita Forestry and Technical High School), Kasuya University Forest (Kyushu University), and Komenono University Forest (Ehime University) are located as shown in Fig. 1. The main object of this study is to examine the characteristics of Sugi cultivated varieties (cultivars) in Kyushu by means of statistical experimentation. Sugi in Kyushu has many cultivars which are usually propagated by cutting. From 1968 to 1970, six local cultivars; A: Kumotooshi, B: Yaichi, C: Obiaka, D: Yabukuguri, E : Measa, F : Ayasugi were tested with the same design in each Site and each year respectively. In 1970, also another six local cultivars, G: Kijin, H: Aoshima arakawa, I: Hinode, J : Iwao, K : Urasebaru were tested with the same design. Randomized block experiment with 6 varienties and 5 blocks was used at each location. Combination of experiments carried out in different sites and different years results that three main factors, variety, site and year or age have highly significant effects, and these interractions have highly significant effects. One example of tree height of tested varieties in two years is show as the following; J A I G D B H L C F E K . Cultivar J shows the highest average value and underlines indicate non significant range. Many analysis of variances were calculated by computer in Kyushu University. Additionally, in 1970, 69 Sugi clones were planted at each site and in 1971, 25 Sugi clones were planted with the design of the double lattice experiment. In furture, many comparisons base on these same designed experimentations will be bone and many results about Sugi cultivars will be expected.
- 九州大学の論文
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