- 論文の詳細を見る
It is very difficult to determine, from the point of view of national economy, whether the marginal land should be used for agriculture or for forestry. In such cases, a new method may be employed, which is the measurement of the economic effects. This method is based on the social accounting theory and is fairly scientific. The authors, therefore, discussed the method theoretically first, and, as a model case, tried to apply it to the areas brought under cultivation after the War at Kyushu University Forest in Kasuya District. The authors visited the place to survey and gathered the materials to examine which of the agricultural and forestry uses was more efficient. After the comparative calculations have been made, the following conclusion has been reached. (1) If the agricultural use of the reclaimed areas is to be continued for another ten years, it will make more economic effects than the forestry use. (2) If the agricultural use of the reclaimed areas is not to be continued for another ten years, it will make less economic effects than the forestry use. (3) Under the present conditions the agricultural use seems likely to be abandoned in the near future, and it will be desirable to change the reclaimed areas into forests.はしがき Ⅰ開墾地の概況 (1)篠栗町一円の社会的経済的環境 (2)開墾地成立の経過 (3)開墾地の状況 Ⅱ測定の場所 (1)生ヶ谷開墾地 (2)鬼ヶ浦開墾地 Ⅲ効果測定の方法 (1)土地利用途転換の意義 (2)経済効果 (ⅰ)生産効果 (ⅱ)雇用効果 (ⅲ)国土保安効果 Ⅳ効果測定の諸条件 (1)測定の対象とする土地利用方式 (2)測定の規模 (3)測定の時点と期間 Ⅴ効果評価上の諸基準 (1)物価水準 (2)便益と費用の評価 (ⅰ)労賃 (ⅱ)地代 (ⅲ)生産物の価値 (ⅳ)其の他 (3)利子率及び割引率 Ⅵ効果測定に関する諸計算 (1)生ヶ谷開墾地に於ける土地利用とその経済効果 (ⅰ)林地として従来のままの林業経営を行った場合 (ⅱ)開墾し、農業経営に利用した場合 (ⅲ)土地利用途の転換による経済効果の増減 (2)鬼ヶ浦開墾地に於ける土地利用とその経済効果 (ⅰ)林地として従来のままの林業経営を行った場合 (ⅱ)開墾した農業経営に利用した場合 (ⅲ)土地利用途の転換による経済効果の増減 Ⅶ計算結果の考察 あとがき
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- (VI) P. L, BUTTRICK : Forest Economics and Finance. 1st. Ed. 484pp 47figs. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. 1943.
- はしがき
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