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In this paper, the accuracy average effect of LMBG system is intended to verify by an experiment using the X-table composed of four guide blocks and two rails. One of the rails is used as a reference rail and the other is bent by a wedge-shaped loading unit to forcedly apply a misalignment towards the z-axis, which intersects with x-axis at a horizontal plane. The shape of misaligned rail is measured against the reference rail and then the X-table is traveled over the misaligned rail portion. The y, z displacement, pitching, rolling and yawing angle are measured by means of six electric micrometer sensors, which are attached to the X-table and set against two straigt edges. These are also laid parallel to the X-table and aligned with the reference rail in the holizontal and vertical plane, respectively. The measurements are carried out by giving the preloads with assembling various over size balls into the guide blocks and by applying various misalignments to the rail. The followings are the reached conclusions. (1)The accuracy average effect of LMBG system is increased in accordance with the increase in the preloading. (2)The good agreements are obtained between the experiments and theories, but in most cases the former are greater than the latter in the average effects. One can think that this reason is mainly due to the load distribution theory of LMBG system, which is ignored the elastic deformations of the guide block jaws, and is only considered the Hertzian deformations of balls between the blocks and rails.
- 1992-11-05
論文 | ランダム
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