境界要素法によるエンクロージャ周囲の回折音場の解析 : 二次元解析と三次元解析の比較
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This paper deals with two- and three-dimensional analyses of the distribution of sound pressure levels around two kinds of boxlike enclosure models to cover noise sources. One has a circular aperture on its side and a loudspeaker inside, the other has two circular apertures on its two adjacent sides and two loudspeakers inside. In the case of two-dimensional analysis, considering the difference between the distance attenuation of cylindrical waves and that of spherical ones, the sound pressure levels calculated are corrected in order to obtain those in the three-dimensional field approximately. All the calculated results are compared with those measured in detail through a sound visualization method using three color-light-emitting diodes. The results obtained by the three-dimensional analysis agree fairly well with the measured ones. The results of the two-dimensional analysis used show that for the case when the height of an enclosure model is small and the frequency of sound is low, the accuracy of the calculated results of the sound pressure levels in the back region of the model are not satisfactory. In other cases, however, the sound field around such a model can be estimated sufficiently by the two-dimensional analysis with the correction of distance attenuation.
- 公益社団法人精密工学会の論文
- 1988-06-05
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