三谷隆正における個人と国家 (聖学院大学創立10周年記念論文集)
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Mitani Takamasa (1889-1944. N. B. Mitani is the family name) was professer of the Sixth and First High Schools (in the pre-war educational system of Japan) and taught the German language and the Law System. He was an author of the type of Carl Hilty who was a Swiss professer of law and wrote many books of Christian morality for the youth. Mitani, too, called himself a teacher of the youth. His writings are, at the first sight, scholarly treatises, but after careful reading, you will find they are the invitation to the Christian faith for highly intellectual students. He wrote he found the Super-Individual Being at the deepest foundation of the individual. And also wrote he that the unity of the state especially in this individualistic age depends upon the Super-Individual Being. The youth with intellectual curiosity should dig into his or her self. It looks like the recommendation of modern individualism. But, he said, at the depth of the world of SELF one must meet that Someone other than SELF who created SELF.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
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