- 論文の詳細を見る
At this joint research conference on the above-mentioned theme, five researchers discuss the direction and tasks at which school administration should aim from now on. I will summarize the contents of this discussion including my opinions, as follows: Firstly, it is very important that we rebuild the school organization by taking a new look at the relationship of authority and responsibility among school boards, schools, parents, and local inhabitants to secure the autonomy of school administration. Special attention needs to be paid to how substantial authority will be vested in schools in terms of personnel, finance and so on, by reexamining school administration regulations. Secondly, recent new curriculum development and reform promotes a reshuffle of school organization and facilitates further liaisons and cooperation among school, family, and the community. Hereafter, school curriculum management is expected to be the core of school administration. Thirdly, in order to continue promoting the open school-building, it is very important that the schools grasp the demands and the intentions of parents and community members, enlist their cooperation, and perform as completely as possible their responsibilities of accountability, by making school operations and policies fully known to the constituents. Fourthly, strengthening school autonomy will increase the responsibilities of schools, and as a result of this, outside evaluation which check on the implementation of their responsibilities and public access to information about the schools will be more necessary than ever before. It is necessary to re-examine the problems of school evaluation and release of school information in terms of how school autonomy contributes to school improvement. Lastly, though the current wave of educational reform since the recommendations of the Provisional Educational Council promotes the re-examination of school administration concepts, we need to take into account the governmental and political nature of school administration as well as the key concept of "open cooperation" suggested by Professor Nakadome to actually pursue a new concept of school administration. Henceforth, it is important to verify how the independence and autonomy of schools contribute to school improvement and enhance distinctive school characteristics. Our immediate task is to consider what are the required conditions for autonomous school administration in a competitive environment.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2001-05-30
- 2008年の教育改革案・調査報告等
- 教育委員会の学校統括権能と学校経営者の役割転換(教育改革と学校経営の構造転換(2)自律的学校経営を担う学校経営者の在り方)
- 学校経営論の総括(課題研究報告I : 教育経営学の再構築(1)-福祉国家下における教育経営学の総括-)
- 総括(わが国教育経営研究の到達点と今後の課題-学校の自律性と学校経営概念の再定位-)
- 2 審査結果の概要(『アメリカにおける個別学校の裁量拡大と校内組織改編に関する一考察-『教員リーダー』の位置と役割に着目して-』, 『日本教育経営学会紀要第40号』, 1998年)(研究奨励賞の部)(学会褒賞)
- 学校経営理論における協働化とその課題(課題研究報告2 : 学校経営における「協働化」の意義と限界)
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- 経営学的方法(教育経営研究における研究方法)
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- 学校革新を規定する組織風土要因の分析
- 村上祐介著, 『教育行政の政治学 教育委員会制度の改革と実態に関する実証的研究』, 木鐸社刊, 2011年2月発行, A5判, 328頁, 本体価格3,000円
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- 堀和郎監訳, 『スクールリーダーのための教育政策研究入門』, 東信堂, 2008年, 434頁
- 小川正人著, 『市町村の教育改革が学校を変える』, 岩波書店, 2006年, 150頁
- 川島啓二会員による書評について