意味形成者としての校長のリーダー行動 : K. E. Weickの意味形成論を手がかりに
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This paper examines the leader behavior of a principal as a sense-maker to construct cooperative system among teachers in a school. It has been a research question about co-operation how the rational attainment of organizational goals could be coordinated with the members' satisfaction. So this paper describes one model of cooperative system among teachers in which the autonomy of teachers' decision-making, as an index about teachers' satisfaction, can be compatible with the organizational integration as an index about cohesion to attain organizational goals. The leader behavior of a principal to make such system is also explained in this paper. This paper uses Weick's theory of sensemaking to clear such research questions. Weick explains organization in terms of information process. Sensemaking is regarded as the most primary stage to process information. This is because sensemaking precedes interpretation, and interpretation constrains decisionmaking. Weick defines sensemaking as follows. "Sensemaking is about negotiation and construction of a mutually shared agreement of what causal linkages and outcome preferences constitute a confusing event". In terms of sensemaking, information process in a school is regarded as a process to reduce uncertainty or ambiguity with nonroutine information. A principal needs to make senses to reduce such uncertainty in the information process. The autonomy of teachers' decision-making is regarded as the situation that teachers are able to interpret senses made by a principal. The organizational integration is regarded as the situation that the sense is shared among teachers. This paper regarded one cooperative system among teachers as follows. That is teachers are integrated by sharing senses and have autonomies to decide their behaviors being able to keep various values to interpret senses. Then, a principal needs to play his or her role as a sense-maker whose sensemaking limits teachers' decision premises as a result so that such a cooperative system can be realized.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 2001-05-30
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