教授学習組織改革の課題(2) : 選択履修幅の拡大とかかわって(<特集>新しい教育課程と学校経営の改革課題)
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Recently, it is required to expand the elective system of the curriculum by the Course of Study, which was revised in 1998. As regards expanding elective system, it becomes important problem to reform the teaching-learning organization. The purpose of this paper is to consider the support organization of elective system, and to clarify the problem on the reform of teaching-learning organization in high schools. The relating factors of organizational reform are the five-day school week, lifelong learning society, computers brought in schools widely, guidance organization of course, the method of team-teaching and cross-curricular. Particularly it is important to reform the teaching-learning organization under the five-day school week and lifelong learning society. In the future, the teaching-learning organization is going to reform organic and complex organization cooperated with external organization. This consideration suggests the possibilities of the teaching-learning organization appropriate to expanded elective system. The contents of this paper are as follows: 1. Introduction : purposes and tasks of this paper 2 . Revision of Course of Study and expanding elective system 3. Teaching-learning organization which support elective system 4 . Cooperation with external organization as regards expanding elective system 5 . Problem on the reform of teaching-learning organization 6. Conclusion
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1999-05-30
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- 教授学習組織改革の課題(2) : 選択履修幅の拡大とかかわって(新しい教育課程と学校経営の改革課題)