- 論文の詳細を見る
The primary purpose of this paper is to clarify the character of administrative evaluations for Japanese public education. Postwar, under the occupation policy, educational evaluation theories had been introduced to Japan from America. At that time, the educational evaluation was received as an indispensable means to democratize Japanese education and educational policy. Therefore, educational evaluation theories became the centeral interest in Japan. So, the educational authorities encouraged administrative evaluations, to state nothing of C. I. E.. The local board of education had the roll to do democratic and scientific administration by scientific surveys and evaluations. The principles of both voluntary, and guidance, were just respected at the time of evaluation. After the occupation, before and after the conservative merger, the national policy for evaluation was turned toward the principle of government control from them, based on modern economics, especially the theory of educational investment, and business management theory. For this matter, Prof. Ito insisted that the government control had to be rationalized more. Then, he engaged himself in the surveys on the works of teachers to establish the standardizations. Prof. Munakata criticized that national policy, and blamed Prof. Ito for the theory of modernizing educational administration, from a standpoint of democracy. Today, although various evaluations have been spread in educational administration, the subject of the Ito-Munakata controversy is unsolved.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1995-06-01
- 戦後「教育学部」史研究 (1)
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- 岩崎保之著, 『目標準拠評価論の研究-学校教育における理論と実践-』, ウエストン出版部, 2009年
- 開放性原理からみた教員養成システム : 改革動向を中心にして(発表・2,急減する教員需要と教員養成システムの展望,課題研究2,IV 課題研究)
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