教師の自己教育力に関する調査研究 : 自己教育力をめぐる因子分析的考察
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The purpose of this survey is to clarify the machanism of teachers' self-educability. Because we think these mechanism could be one of the key concepts to establish a developing plans for teacher's professional growth. In this survey, we tried to collect the date by using the methods of questionnaire and interview survey. The questionnaire survey was designed to get many descriptions about the self-educability of teachers. Out of 1302 registered teachers of all graduate of our university, in December 1988, 372 teachers responded to this survey. The responses to the questionnaire were factor analysed by the principal component method. As the results of analysis, 8 factors, i.e. (I) efforts of professional improvement, (II) self-directed practices, (III) colleague-oriented tendency, (IV) desires of self-reforming, (V) students-oriented tendency, (VI) recipience of others, (VII) wide field of vision and flexibility, (VIII) satisfaction at the present conditions, we obtained.
- 日本教育経営学会の論文
- 1990-06-01
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