住宅用床材に対する官能評価の研究 : 触覚と視覚による評価
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The present paper deals with the sensitivity evaluation by touch with both hands or soles and by vision on the flooring samples. Seventy-eight flooring samples having different kinds of material, surface construction and color were used, namely twenty-six kinds of textile carpet, thirty kinds of vinyl flooring, eight kinds of welding wood, five kinds of cork, six kinds of tile and three kinds of hemp. The samples were evaluated by subjects in the room artificially controlled on the ideal summer and winter seasons, that is, under two conditions of 30℃, RH70% and 10℃, RH50%. As a result of factor analysis, three factorial dimensions 'sense of season', 'tactile sense', and 'activity' were extracted by the sense of touch, and the other four factorial dimensions 'sense of season', 'Japanese stile/European stile', 'activity and 'tactile sense' were extracted by vision. The effect of the seasons of the experimental room and touching positions, by hands or soles, were very similar on the results of psycholigical factors by factor analysis, and the same as the effect of the season on the result of the experiment of vision. High correlations were observed between the thermal conduction of kind of material and the factor score of each sample on the psychological dimension 'sense of season', and between the factor score of each sample by the tactile evaluation and by the vision evaluation on the 'sense of season' and also on the 'tactile sense'. The kind of material would more influence on the suitability for the purposeful interior space than the surface color.
- 2004-12-31