走る,跳ぶ,荒れる : 映像があらわす動く身体の意味
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What is the meaning of moving bodies in recent video clips ? How they are represented ? Video clips establish their own formular ; ambiguous story line, moving cameras in every angle, flashing light and dancing people. This paper discusses on moving bodies in film and video clips in 1990's. It will observe running heroin in Tom Tykwer's film " Lola rennt " to find the influence of video clips. Moving bodies except performing musicians seems to have increased in 90's. We look their tips to attract audience with thier visual effects. We also focus on violent imagges in clips to find out their visual cutral context.
- 富山大学の論文
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- 走る,跳ぶ,荒れる : 映像があらわす動く身体の意味
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