障害のある人を子どもにもつ母親の健康の構造 : 母親たちが辿る認識のプロセスを分析して
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The purpose of this study was to clarify the structure of health of mothers who have handicapped children, as focusing on the process of their conception. The conceptual framework of this study was priscribed as happism and holism model, -that was made a great point of "being on here and now". And the concept for health of this study was priscribed as displaying their ability, by awareness for recognitions and expanding consiousness through tiding over their difficult experience. The procedure was as follows ; 27 notes of mothers who have handicapped children were collected. 290 cards were selected from the above notes which contained mothers recognitions. These cases were then analyzed using abstract method. As a result, six common types of understanding were extracted 1 ) a time of confusion 2 ) resolution shakes 3 ) supporting a life of suffering 4 ) the changing of one's mind 5 ) Iife and arrangement 6 ) display of abilities. It were mothers' display and recover their abilities that the procedure of mother who were being the face of distress with their children. They were procedure deverlopped by the power what their children have.
- 宮崎大学の論文
- 先端医療看護の授業案の構築
- 成人看護学におけるOSCEの試み
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- 事例を用いた授業展開の試み : 事例展開し、ロールプレイを行ったことによる学生の学び
- 障害のある人を子どもにもつ母親の健康の構造 : 母親たちが辿る認識のプロセスを分析して