問題提起 (<特集>工業化と教育)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In face of poblems of pollution or neglect of humanity in the recent social life,the study of industrialization is shifting from the analytical standpoint of "economic growth" to that of "economic development" taking not only economic factors but non-economic ones into consideration. Therefore, industrialization should be studied in the dimensions of formation of the industrialized society. The formation of the industrialized society accompanies a change of social sense of value. From this point of view, the transition from the medieval society to the industrialized society was that frorn quality-consciousness to quantity-consciousness. The superiority of the latter gave a great impetus to the technical progress based on scientitic technique, not on empirical technique current in the medieval society. According to Werner Conze, the German economic historian, the age after the industrial revolution is "das technik-industriellen Zeitalter" We intend to treat industrialization and education from the following standpoint. If the industrialized society is marked by the superiority of quantiy-consciousness and the technique, what is the way of the education of technique which is a symbol of that society? It can be said that there are two kinds of causal nexes between formation of the industrialized society and education of technique: 1) the education of technique promotes the formation of the industrialized society or 2) vice versa. We cannot generalize only one of these two causal nexes exclusively, for either of them has its grounds, according to the forms of formation of the industrialized society. We may rather say that industrialization and the education of technique are interdependent. Further, in connection with the education of technique, we should consider the following questions: 1) What was the motive to the eduicaton of technique? 2) What part did the state play in its diffusion? 3) Through which means wae it done?; Through which process was it entered into school education? 4) What was the relation between the education of technique and general education? In the following research report, we will treat England, Germany and Japan, and in due consideration of specific characters of each country, ask what forms of the education of technique they have adopted in the process of formation of the industrialized societies.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1974-12-25
- 総括と討論 (経済成長の展開構造 : 各国経済の比較史的検討(社会経済史学会学会近畿部会サマー・シムポジウム))
- シァルロッテ・ヴァルンケ, 『ポーランドにおける遠隔地商業の発端』
- 問題提起 (社会経済史の構成方法を求めて : 具体的事例に即して)
- 問題提起 (工業化と教育)
- 宮下孝吉先生の思い出
- B・H・スリッヘル・ファン・バート著, 速水融 訳, 『西ヨーロッパ農業発達史』, 慶応義塾経済学会 経済学研究叢書9, 昭和四四年一一月、日本評論社、四六四ページ、三、二〇〇円
- 南フランスの経済史研究のために : 主として中世について
- フランドルにおける初期の都市ブルジョアジー : アラスを中心として
- 中世末期及び近世初期の南フランス商業史についての二題
- 獨逸中世後期に於ける商品流通の一考察