Pri la Teorio Alojteorimaniera de Feromagnetismo.
Institute for Solid State Physics The University of Tokyo
Yosida Kei
Institute De Fiziko Nagoya Universitato.
KAJ Syohei
Institute de Fiziko, Nagoya Universitato.
Kaj Syohei
Institute De Fiziko Nagoya Universitato.
Institute de Fiziko, Nagoya Universitato.
- 14. Kondo Effect and Localization in Two-Dimensional Systems(Theories,II Two Dimensional Systems)
- Kondo Effect in Disordered Two-Dimendional Systems
- Perturbation Expansion for the Anderson Hamiltonian
- Pri la Teorio Alojteorimaniera de Feromagnetismo.
- Green Function Theory of UUDD Antiferromagnetic State of Solid ^3He for Triple and Quadruple Spin Exchange Interaction. I
- Theory of the Electrical Resistivity of Amorphous Metals
- Singlet Ground State of a Localized Spin in Metals
- Local Electron Distribution in the Singlet Ground State Due to the s-d Exchange Interaction
- Magnetic Anisotropy of Localized State in Metals
- Spin Polarization of Conduction Electrons Due to s-d Exchange Interaction
- Orthogonality Catastrophe for a System of Interacting Electrons. III
- Free Energy Shift of Conduction Electrons Due to the s-d Exchange Interaction
- Magnetic Ordering in the Rare-Earth Metals with More than Half-Filled 4f Shells
- Ground State Energy of Conduction Electrons Interacting with a Localized Spin
- Orthogonality Catastrophe for a System of Interacting Electrons
- Orthogonality Catastrophe for a System of Interacting Electrons. II
- Perturbation Expansion for the Anderson Hamiltonian. III
- Zero-Temperature Susceptibility of a Localized Spin Exchange Coupled with the Conduction Electrons
- Orthogonality Catastrophe Due to Local Electron Interaction