ベルリーン経済圏における地域工業化の始動(一八世紀末-一九世紀中葉) : 首都圏工業化のケース
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"German Industrialization" had already begun in several regions before the creation of the unified Second Empire in 1871. In each region, the process was characterized by a combination of specific production factors and by a particular infrastructure. Although German "Partikularismus" is often thought to have acted as a serious obstacle to industrialization, from the middle of the nineteenth century it had a powerful influence on regional industrialization in such fields as railway building, locomotive manufacturing and technical education as a result of competition between different states. This paper describes the pattern of regional industrialization in the Berlin-Brandenburg economic area, from the end of the eighteenth century to the middle of the nineteenth. In the first half of the paper, five fundamental initial conditions for the start of industrialization are identified, along with additional conditions that were created by the early industrialization in this region. Further, in view of the scarcity of production data during this period, the overall speed of industrialization and the unbalanced growth of the various industries are estimated using statistical data with regard to the overall population and industrial employees. In the second half of the paper, the process of early industrialization in this region is divided into two phases. The first period, from 1800 until 1837, is characterized by weak and retarded industrialization, while the second, from 1837 to 1849, is characterized by powerful and accelerating development. The prime reasons for this acceleration were the establishment of the Zollverein (Customs Union) and the start and rapid extension of the railway system in the Zollverein states. However, not all branches of industry enjoyed the same acceleration of growth. While the wider integrated market area and the railway network performed a kind of common defensive function against the area outside, industries within the Zollverein were exposed to severe competition over price and quality. Thus, through accelerated industrialization in the wider market, the old industries were replaced by new ones. For example, in Berlin, the textile industry, which had been dominant until the 1830s, declined, but newcomers, especially machine engineering and the ready-made clothing industry (Konfektion), became leading sectors of industry.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
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