西ヨーロッパの国境地域における工業地帯の形成と展開 : トゥウェンテ/西ミュンスターラント綿業地帯とザール=ロレーヌ=ルクセンブルク=南ベルギー鉄鋼・炭鉱地帯を例に
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From the beginning of the nineteenth century, several transborder regions developed along the national borders of the two great Western European powers of Germany and France, but also along the borders of nations such as the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and Switzerland, which were small in size but of importance to the European economy. These regions played significant roles in the industrialization process and later in assisting technological transfer and in the movement of entrepreneurs, capital and labour. The object of this article is to clarify the rise and development of such transborder industrial regions by way of two examples: the cotton industry of Twente-Westmunsterland, and the iron- and steel-manufacturing and coal-mining industry of Saar-Lor-Lux. In the former case, it was the cotton industry of Twente on the Dutch borders which first grew as a result of help from the state in order to supply colonial markets. But during the latter half of the nineteenth century, remarkable growth in the neighbouring markets of Germany encouraged the entry of Dutch entrepreneurs into the Westmunsterland, especially into Gronau. By the eve of the First World War, this district had developed into one of the five major cotton industrial regions in Germany. In the Saar-Lor-Lux region too, diversified transborder industrial activities meant that the French, Belgian and German sides were closely linked up to 1871. After this it became more difficult for enterprises from either France or Germany to become active beyond their respective borders, but enterprises from neutral Belgium were still able to advance freely. Moreover, interdependence on raw materials such as iron ore and coke meant that economic inter-relationships did not entirely disappear.
- 1998-05-25
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