- 論文の詳細を見る
The productivity of land is examined on three manors in Holderness, the possession of Isabella de Fortibus, Countess of Devon and Aumale, during the period from 1236 to 1293. The three manors of Keyingham, Little Humber and Easington represent three different types of manor. Easingtion was the oldest settlement of the three, and was a classical manor (with manor house), and consisted of demesne and villein land (with no labour services), which lay intermixed in two fields. Keyingham consisted of demesne (no manor house) and villein land (with no labour services). The three-course rotation (wheat→oats, baarley and/or beans→fallow) was followed in three fields which were the result of recent re-allotment. Little Humber was a grange type manor with no villein land, and comprised enclosed fields which were reclaimed from the Humber. The yield in quarters per quarter of seed per acre and yield per arce and given in the tables and the fluctuation of ratio is shown in the charts (wheat in table and chart I on page 17, oats in table II on page 19, barley intable and chart III on page 21, and beans in table and chart IV on page 22). The main conclusions obtained from the analysis of these date are as follows: the fluctuation of the ratio was influenced mainly by the conditons of weather, with the difference of the average standards of ratio on these three manors (highest in Littler Humber, lowest in Easington) closely correlated to the difference of soil formation, the field system and manorial structue; and the rapid growth of productivity from the end of '70s to the beginning of '80s closely correlated with the introduction of legumes into rotation in Keyingham and Little Humber, and with the intensive manuring with dung from sheepholds in Little Humber.
- 1965-03-30
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