徳川後期における肥前陶磁器業の展開 : 佐賀藩領有田の事例を中心に
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In the Tokugawa Era, the porcelain industry around the Hizen area in south-west Japan flourished, developing many kinds of manufacturing products. In the 18th century, demand for the porcelain goods manufactured in Arita expanded into regions such as Setouchi, and the Sea of Japan, and they were sold by neighbouring Imari merchants to merchants from western Japan. Saga-han started supporting the Hizen porcelain industry in the mid-18th century, lending funds to manufacturers in Arita. In 1801, the han also took control of the transport of porcelain to Osaka and Edo and its subsequent sale by a system called Gen-gawase. This involved manufacturers' bringing their products to a trading post (the Sarayama-Kaisho) established in Arita by Saga-han so that they could be carefully inspected before any loans were approved. The system was a convenient way for Arita manufacturers to obtain working capital. By the economic reforms carried out by Saga-han during the Tempo period, prominent merchants in Imari and Arita were allowed to buy from both Arita manufacturers and Imari merchants for sale in Osaka and Edo. As a result of this change in distribution, after 1849 the financial assistance provided by Saga-han covered not only Arita manufacturers but also Imari and Arita merchants. Saga-han also supported Arita merchants in exporting Hicho-zan porcelain products from Nagasaki.
- 1995-05-25
- 近代陶磁器企業の経営発展--佐賀県有田町香蘭社の経営革新
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