小額貨幣と経済発展 : 問題提起 (<第五十九回大会特集号>徳川期貨幣の経済史 : 小額貨幣を中心として)
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This issue is the proceedings of the 59th annual conference of the Socio-Economic History Society which was held at Matsuyama University from September 22 to, 24, 1990. The common theme for this conference was "Economic History of Money in Tokugawa Japan, with special reference to Small Money". Professors T. HARADA (Tezukayama University) and T. HAMASHITA (Tokyo University) chaired the symposium. I gave an introductory paper entitled "Small Money and Economic Development", then five papers followed. Studies of Tokugawa monetary history have been focussed on gold and silver money, but I would like to stress that the small money circulated had relevance to economic development in later Tokugawa Japan. In this case the concept of small money is defined as what consisted of not only copper coins and hansatsu (a kind of paper money issued by local lords), but also small gold and silver coins which were necessary for common people's living. To give a piece of evidence, the small money share to the total amount of money circulation increased gradually through the Tokugawa period, that is, it was barely 15 % till the middle of 18th century, but increased to 37 % at the beginning of 19th century, then to 52 % in 1832, to 69 % in 1858, and finally to 92 % in 1869, while, as is well-known, local economy was developping remarkably during the same period. In short, I think it should be asked how the small money contributed to economic growth in not only early modern Japan but also in medieval Japan, western Europe, and Ch'ing China. The five articles are as follows: Y. MORIMOTO introduces the recent European argument about denarius, a small silver coin, that emerged in place of gold coins in early medieval western Europe. T. KAMIKI shows how the role of copper coins changed in the monetary system from the medieval ages through the 16th century when it was the only money. There are two papers on the small money in the Tokugawa period. T. FUJIMOTO makes a survey of copper coins and hansatsu, and R. MIKAMI examines small gold and silver coins. Finally, A. KURODA introduces the case of Ch'ng China where both silver and copper coins were in circulation.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1991-07-30
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