清末の時期、東三省南部における官地の丈放の社会経済史的意味 : 錦州官荘の丈放を一例として
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The local government of the Three Northeastern Provinces, which had been reorganized under the governor-general after the Russo-Japanese War, disposed of a vast area of public lands in this area at the end of the Ch'ing dynasty. In this paper, I have analyzed the case of the disposal of a manor located in Chin-chou 錦州. This manor had been owned by the Bureau of Domestic Affairs (Nei-wu-fu 内務府) of the Ch'ing dynasty. Though under the authority of the Nei-wu-fu, real control had come into the hands of the "managers" (chuang-t'ou) of the manor who were banner members. Under these conditions, the newly organized local government of this area started disposing of the Chin-chou manor's lands from 1905 and completed the process in 1909. I discuss the following points on this issue: 1) The local government of the Three Northeastern Provinces disposed of the lands by selling them to private citizens. The chuang-t'ou held special privileges to purchase these lands. The chuang-t'ou class bought lands and thus acquired legal status as landlords who were free from the restrictions of the banner system. 2) The area of the disposed manor lands was about 1.35 million mu 畝. The price of the lands was from 7 ch'ien 銭 to 2 liang 両 1 ch'ien, which was about 20 percent of the real average land price in this area. The local government acquired approximately 1.8 million liang through the sale of these lands and 92,000 liang of tax from these lands a year. These revenues formed a necessary part of the funds for the realization of the local government's new policies such as the establishment of a new police force, military, judicial, educational, and local autonomy systems. 3) However, peasants of this area were opposed to the disposal of the manor's lands because recognition of chuang-t'ou's exclusive ownership of lands meant the denial of the peasants' customary rights over these lands. Some of the chuang-t'ou also resisted the disposal of the lands because they had to pay the extra land price and tax to acquire official ownership of these lands. Nevertheless, the local government of this area suppressed resistance by the newly established police and military organizations. 4) The land disposal of the Chin-chou manor was a typical case that shows the local government's attempt to reorganize the local ruling class under its control. They had not been under official control before, but now, they were expected to form an economic and political basis of the local government as a landlord class. The disposal of the Chin-chou manor also meant that the Ch'ing dynasty's privileged ownership of lands in Manchuria was gradually being denied, even before the 1911 revolution.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
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