清朝の時代、東三省における八旗荘園の荘頭についての一考察 : 帯地投充荘頭を中心に
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During the Ch'ing dynasty, some of the Chuang T'ou, whose functions were regarded as the managers of the bannermen's lands (Ch'i Ti), had both political and economic power in the southern T'ung San Sheng area. Indeed they formed part of the local ruling class of this area. After the revolution of 1911, they acquired their position as landowners at the time of the abolition of the Ch'i Ti system. At the beginning of the Ch'ing dynasty when the dynasty conquered the southern T'ung San Sheng area, some of the landlords of this area offered themselves and their lands to the nobles of the Ch'ing dynasty, the high class bannermen. This was because they wished to be under the bannermen's protection. These landlords were called Tai Ti T'ou Ch'ung Chuang T'ou 帯地投充荘頭. Their duties were to manage the Ch'i Ti and to Pay annual tributes to the bannermen. From the early stage of the Ch'ing dynasty, the bannermen tended to lose their control over the Ch'i Ti and lost accompanying annual tributes. Concerning the Ch'i Ti system, the Ch'ing dynasty had a major problem with the ownership of the land. Since the bannermen lived upon the Ch'i Ti which were organized under the Chuang T'ou's control, the Ch'ing dynasty had to assure the Chuang T'ou's rights as former landlords. On the other hand, the Ch'ing dynasty had to check the reinforcement of the Chuang T'ou's power, because it might infringe on the bannermens ownership of the C'hi Ti, Therefore, in this paper, I discussed the following two points concerning the Chuang T'ou class. (l) The Ch'ing dynasty classified the Tai Ti T'ou Ch'ung Chang T'ou as the second class bannermen, Fei Cheng Shen Ch'i Jin 非正身旗人.Being the second class bannermen meant they had no right to buy and to dispose of the Ch'i Ti. Through this caste system, the Ch'ing dynasty intended to force the Chuang T'ou to be tied to the Ch'i Ti and to make them obey the bannermen. (2) The Ch'ing dynasty also restricted the bannermen's ownerships of the Ch'i Ti. The bannermen were prohibited from disposing their lands freely, and som of their lands continually remained under the control of the Chuang T'ou. By this rule, the Ch'ing dynasty intended to prevent the bannermen from losing their lands. By these regulations, the Ch'ing dynasty intended that the high class bannermen had been able to reinforce their power over the Ch'i Ti as rulers, especially control over the Chuang T'ou class. But the bannermen's increasing loss of Ch'i Ti coupled with the Ch'ing dynasty's above-mentioned policies explained the difficulties the Ch'ing dynasty faced in reorganizing the Ch'i Ti system.
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