一九世紀イギリスのトラック制と家内労働の消滅 : ミッドランドにおける一つの雇用関係
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The history of the truck master, going back to the mediaeval age, is as old as that of the middleman. Both of them had not only been bitterly blamed, but appealed to the prohibitive law by most of the contemporaries, in spite of their usefulness and helpfulness. The situation had, however, changed since the Industrial Revolution owing to the short supply of the small coin used for the payment of wages on the one hand, and to the distant workplaces such as mines, railway construction and rural workshops, on the other. The select Committee on Railway Labourers, for instance, reported in l846 that there was nothing in the provisions of the Truck Act (1 & 2 W. 4, c. 37), to prevent employers furnishing what they thought to the men's advantage. The author compares this aspect of the truck system to that of discounting a bill which was indispensable to the growth of manufacturers at the time of the Industrial Revolution. After classifying the truck system into six categories according to the way in which coins for wages were spared, the author tries to make clear the reasons for their concentration around the Midland Black Country, famous for the metallic industry. He attributes it, in the main, to the "family work unit" that lingered there till as late as the end of the nineteenth century. It was the decline of the "family work unit", the introduction of machines into the nailmaking industry, and the movement of the nailmaking centre from the Midlands to the further northern districts that were the decisive factors of the disappearance of the truck aystem. Strangely enough, in ordinary workshops of Birmingham, the centre of the Midland Black Country, industrial relations were so friendly that masters and their men often worked at the bench together and so were comrades rather than masters and servants. The author attributes the friendly relations to there being a great variety of metallic trades. Owing to it: if one trade was in a depressed state, another might be in a thriving condition. Masters in the depressed trades, therefore, could change their trades in stead of clinging to the depressed ones with the truck system.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1980-09-15
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