- 論文の詳細を見る
The Statistical Account of Scotland (21 vols.) compiled by Sir John Sinclair in the 1790's lacks statistical uniformity if carefully observed, but contains many and various interesting matters. Particularly as a trustworthy description, it reveals actual conditions of economic and social life of inhabitants in rural districts of Scotland who were involved in the changes from a traditional to a modern way of life under the influence of industrialization. From this parish report, we are able to know that Scottish landowners of the eighteenth century played a great role in stimulating agricultural improvements and other economic and social activities. Of these activities, planning and building of villages by them seem to be especially noticeable. The creation of new villages or their reconstruction was, fundamentally, a means of providing employments to rural population who had been evicted from farm by agricultural changes or were being fallen in underemployment on the land, as well as improving their estates. In newly built or reconstructed villages, each of their inhabitants held a little plot of land and established himself as tradesman - for example, weaver, spinner, shop-keeper, mechanic, taylor, carter and so on. In this sense, it can be said that Scottish Landowners performed their missions as leaders or elites in a backward society, and at the same time it so raised the economic and aesthetical values of their estates as to satisfy their entrepreneurship and paternalistic authority. Thus the development of textile industry as the spearhead of industrialism was forwarded by the increase of created villages, as well as promoting it in its turn. Industrial (or manufacturing) villages established in Ayrshire, Lanarkshire, Stirlingshire and other counties with the comtemporary standard of technology were the new communities where their inhabitants could find their new work-places. Certainly, it is in these communities that the first generation of modern industrial workers had been brought up.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1972-03-30
- 加用信文著, 『増訂版 イギリス古農書考』, 御茶の水書房、一九八九年十二月, x+四五七頁, 四四〇〇円
- 一八世紀スコットランド農書史概観 : その特質と意義
- 一八世紀スコットランド地主と村落創設運動