綿糸紡績業の展開と在来綿織物業 (<共通論題>日本資本主義成立過程における移植産業と在来産業)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The cotton-spinning industry, in Japan, is the special-historical industry, for it is, firstly "ISHOKU-GATA", the transplantation type, industry, and imports the spinning-machine from England, secondly its materials imports from China, India, U. S. A., etc., thirdly its spinnin,g-products i. e., cotton-thread sells over-seas market. So, the spinning industry with such features is the nucleus of the capitalism in Japan and this spinning industry constructed with the silk-reeling industry, which exported the silk for America, the capitalism in Japan in this stage. The cotton-textile industry, as the silk-reeling industry, is "ZAIRAIGATA", the ordinary type, industry and by the restrictions of the cotton-thread exports for the over-seas market in the spinning industry, during 1900 (from 1900 to 1910), gradually the cotton-textile industry is included by the spinning industry, in other words, the "KENEI-SHOKUFU GYO", the cotton-spinning-textile industry includes by the selling of the tine cotton-thread the ordinary cotton-textile industry. From this conditions, the modern cotton-spinning industry and the ordinary cotton-textile industry are inseparably united as one body, in short, the new modern cotton industry forms in Japan.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1967-02-25
- 岡田和喜著, 『地方銀行史論-為替取組と支店銀行制度の展開-』, 日本経済評論社, 2001年, v+339頁
- 佐々木潤之介著, 『幕末社会の展開』, 岩波書店, 1993年, ix+454頁+索引11頁
- 産業資本確立期の日本海運 : 印棉回漕問題を中心に (工業化と輸送)
- 玉城 肇著, 『日本財閥史』, A5判・五四九頁+14頁+27頁、社会思想社、昭和五一年刊
- 筑豊石炭礦業史年表編纂委員会編, 『筑豊石炭礦業史年表』, A4判、40+671+20頁、付図・付表三葉、(財)西日本文化協会、昭和四十八年十一月刊
- 山口和雄編著 『日本産業金融史研究 紡績金融篇』, (東京大学出版会, 八〇二頁付表, 索引共一六一頁, 一九七〇年三月刊)
- 大江志乃夫著 『日本の産業革命』, (一九六八年四月, 岩波書店, xi+376頁+16頁)
- 綿糸紡績業の展開と在来綿織物業 (日本資本主義成立過程における移植産業と在来産業)
- 日本 12 地主制(確立期)をめぐる諸問題 (最近10年間における社会経済史学の発達)
- 守田志郎著『地主経済と地方資本』
- 明治前期農業史の研究動向 : 地租改正の研究を手掛かりに