- 論文の詳細を見る
Although the enactments of the "Navigation Encouragement Act" and the "Ship-building Encouragement Act "in 1896 are believed to be a realization of the protectionism policy for ship-building and carrying trade industries in this country, they did not necessarilly bring about a transition of government policy from or ship-buying" to the "ship-building," On the contrary, "ship-buying" was encouraged by these acts because of rapid development of the carrying trade. In 1899 the government revised those acts and strengthend its policy of subsidying ship-building, and thereby encouraged the ship-building interests. Ship-building by government order was concentrated in the Mitsubishi and Kawasaki Ship-building Companies, both of which were originally founded as government enterprises and later transfered to private zaibatsu companies after the introduction of western industrial technology with the aid of government money. A typical pattern of the ship-building industry of this country therefore seemed to be formulated through the close inter-relationship between government and private zaibatsu companies. This article tries to make clear what influences government policies exerted on the ship-building industry during the Meiji period.
- 社会経済史学会の論文
- 1966-05-25
- 中川敬一郎著, 『両大戦間の日本海運業』, 日本経済新聞社、一九八〇年九月、二六二頁、二五〇〇円
- 第三十六回社会経済史学会大会記事 (「第一次大戦後における経済史の諸問題」)
- 明治期造船政策の意義とその効果
- 日本近代造船業確立期における三菱長崎造船所 (〔経営史学会〕第3回大会(特集))