Evolution of Primordial Protostellar Clouds : Quasi-Static Analysis
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The contraction processes of metal-free molecular clouds of starlike mass (or cloud cores) are investigated. We calculate radiative transfer of the H_2 lines and examine quasi-static contraction with radiative cooling. Comparing two time-scales, the free-fall time t_<ff> and the time-scale of quasi-static contraction t<qsc> (〜 t_<cool>, the cooling time) of these cores, we find that the ratio of the two time-scales t_<ff>/t_<qsc>, i.e., the efficiency of cooling, becomes larger with contraction even under the existence of cold and opaque envelopes. In particular, for fragments of primordial filamentary clouds, for which t_<ff> 〜 t_<qsc> at the fragmentation epoch, they collapse dynamically in the free-fall time-scale. This efficiency of cooling is unique to line cooling.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1998-05-25
須佐 元
Susa H
Center For Computational Physics University Of Tsukuba
NISHI Ryoichi
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
SUSA Hajime
Center for Computational Physics,University of Tsukuba
OMUKAI Kazuyuki
Department of Physics ,Kyoto University
Department of Physics,Kyoto University
Uehara H
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Uehara Hideya
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Nishi R
Department Of Physics Niigata University
Nishi Ryoichi
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
NISHI Ryoichi
Physics Department, Kyoto University
Omukai K
National Astronomical Observatory Tokyo
NISHI Ryoichi
Department of Physics, Kyoto Urhiversity
SUSA Hajime
Center for Computational Physics, University of Tsukuba
OMUKAI Kazuyuki
Department of Physics, Kyoto University
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