Relationship between d-Dimensional Quantal Spin Systems and (d+1)-Dimensional Ising System : Equivalence, Critical Exponents and Systematic Approximants of the Partition Function and Spin Correlations
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The partition function of a quantal spin system is expressed by that of the Ising model, on the basis of the generalized Trotter formula. Thereby the ground state of the d-dimensional Ising model with a transverse field is proven to be equivalent to the (d+1)-dimensional Ising model at finite temperatures. A general relationship is established between the two partition functions of a general quantal spin system and the corresponding Ising model with many-spin interactions, which yields some rigorous results on quantum systems. Some applications are given.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1976-11-25
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- Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Spin Systems. I
- New Method of Monte Carlo Simulations and Phenomenological Theory of Phase Transition in the Two-Dimensional XY-Model
- Critical Line of Two-Dimensional Spin-1/2 Pair-Product Heisenberg Model : Progress Letters
- Ground-State Properties and Phase Diagram of the Quantum XXZ Antiferromagnet on a Triangular Lattice
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- Monte Carlo Simulation of Quantum Heisenberg Magnets on the Triangular Lattice
- Dynamics of the Two-Dimensional Finite Heisenberg Model
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- Monte Carlo Study of the Three-Dimensional ±-J Ising Spin-Glass Model in a Magnetic Field
- Spatio-Temporal Patterns of a Plastic Network System
- Scaling Laws of the Nonlinear Part of Magnetization in the SK Model of Spin Glasses : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- On the CAM Canonicality of the Cluster-Variation Approximations
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- A General Method to Evaluate Correlation Functions of Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Ising Models : General and Mathematical Physics
- A Simple Example of Exactly Solvable Models with Reentrant Phenomena
- Scaling Theory of Transient Nonlinear Fluctuations and Formation of Macroscopic Order
- Critical Slowing Down in Stochastic Processes. I
- Study on the Critical Properties of the One-Dimensional Quantum XXZ Model with General Spin S Using the Quantum Renormalization Group Method : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Relationship between d-Dimensional Quantal Spin Systems and (d+1)-Dimensional Ising System : Equivalence, Critical Exponents and Systematic Approximants of the Partition Function and Spin Correlations
- Scaling Theory of Non-Equilibrium Systems near the Instability Point. I : General Aspects of Transient Phenomena
- Fluctuation and Formation of Macroscopic Order in Non-Equilibrium Systems
- Topological and Ghost Interaction Methods in Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Systems
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- Monte Carlo Simulation of Nonlinear Stochastic Processes : Noise-Induced Long-Time Tail and Its Universality : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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