Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays and Breaking of Chiral SU(3)xotimeSU(3)
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Nonleptonic decays of hyperons are discussed in connection with the breaking of chiral SU(3)xotimeSU(3). We assume an effective ∂_μJ_μ^7(x) interaction of nonleptonic decays, which is reduced to Hw(x)=-iG[Q^7(x_0)+Q_5^7(x_0),m_0(S^0(x)+λS^8(x))]. The amplitudes of the decays calculated in hard-pion limit give a good agreement with experiment both for S-waves and P-waves. In addition, it is shown that the f/d ratio of scalar spurion is -3.06, which is very close to that of mass-splitting -3.05, and λ=2.01. Therefore one may identify M_0(S^0(x)+λS^8(x)) as a mass operator, and then the strength of weak ∂_μJ_μ^7(x) interaction is estimated to be G=0.232×10^<-5>.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1970-08-25
Ohya Katsuhiko
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Research Institute College Of Science And Engineering Nihon
Ohya Katsuhiko
Department Of Physics And Atomic Energy Research Institute Nihon University
- Phenomenological Approach to Non-Leptonic Decays. II : Ω^- Decays under Parameters Fit to Decays of Octes Baryons
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- Nonleptonic Hyperon Decays and Breaking of Chiral SU(3)xotimeSU(3)