Nonlinear Socio-Ecological Dynamics and First Principles of Collective Choice Behavior of "Homo Socialis"
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Socio-ecological dynamics emerged from the field of Mathematical Social Sciences and opened up avenues for re-examination of classical problems of collective behavior in Social and Spatial sciences.The "engine" of this collective behavior is the subjective mental evaluation of level of utilities in the future, presenting sets of composite socio-economic-temporal-locational advantages.These dynamics present new laws of collective multi-population behavior which are the meso-1evel counterparts of the utility optimization individual behavior.The central core of the socio-ecological choice dynamics includes the following first principle of the collective choice behavior of "Homo Socialis" based on the existence of "collective consciousness" : the choice behavior of "Homo Socialis" is a collective meso-1evel choice behavior such that the relative changes in choice frequencies depend on the distribution of innovation alternatives between adopters of innovations.The mathematical basis of the Socio-Ecological Dynamics includes two complementary analytical approaches both based on the use of computer modeling as a theoretical and simulation tool.First approach is the "continuous approach" - the systems of ordinary and partial differential equations reflecting the continuous time Volterra ecological formalism in a form of antagonistic and/or cooperative collective hyper-games between different sub-sets of choice alternatives. Second approach is the "discrete approach" - systems of difference equations presenting a new branch of the non-linear discrete dynamics - the Discrete Relative m-population/n-innovations Socio-Spatial Dynamics (Dendrinos and Sonis, 1990).The generalization of the Volterra formalism leads further to the meso-level variational principle of collective choice behavior determining the balance between the resulting cumulative social spatio-temporal interactions among the population of adopters susceptible to the choice alternatives and the cumulative equalization of the power of elites supporting different choice alternatives.This balance governs the dynamic innovation choice process and constitutes the dynamic meso-level counterpart of the micro-economic individual utility maximization principle.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2000-07-14
Sonis Michael
Department Of Geography Bar-ilan University
SONIS Michael
Department of Geography, Bar-Ilan University