Divergence of the Transverse Nonlinear Susceptibility along the GT Line in Heisenberg Spin Glasses : Progress Letters
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It is shown phenomenologically that the transverse nonlinear susceptibility χ_2 along the Gabay-Toulouse line in m-component spin glasses, behaves as χ_2∝ (T-T_<sg>(H_z))^<-γ> near the transition point T_<sg>(H_z), and that T_<sg>(H_z)- T_<sg>(0)∝H_z^<4β/(β+γ)> with a magnetic field H_z and the critical exponent β of the spin glass order parameter.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1985-03-25
Suzuki M
Department Of Physics University Of Tokyo
SUZUKI Masatoki
Department of Physics, Rikkyo University
Suzuki Masuo
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Science
Suzuki Masuo
Department Of Applied Physics Science University Of Tokyo
Suzuki Masuo
Physics Department, Saitama University
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