An Extended Mean Field Model for Spin Glasses: Antiferromagnetic-Spin Glass Systems : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
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An extended mean field model, which describes coupled spin glass (SG) systems, is introduced and applied to antiferromagnetic (AF)-SG systems. It is an extended model of a simple AF-SG system examined recently by Fyodorov et al. In the sense that intra-sublattice interactions of a Sherrington-Kirkpatrick type are also taken into account. It is shown that the present AF-SG model reproduces at least qualitatively many interesting aspects such as the reentrant transitions under external fields which are observed in the recent experiments on the Ising AF-SG systems Fe_xMn<1-x> TiO_3 and Fe_xMg_<1-x>Cl_2.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1988-11-25
Takayama H
Univ. Tokyo Kashiwa Jpn
Research Institute for Fundamental Physics, Kyoto University
- Fragility of the Equilibrium State in the Four-Dimensional ±J Ising Spin Glass
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- Relaxational Modes and Aging in the Glauber Dynamics of the Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model
- Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model. II. Quasi-Equilibrium Regime of Spin Auto-Correlation Function : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in Ising Spin-Glass Models: Temperature-Change Protocols (Frontiers in Magnetism)
- Numerical Study on Aging Dynamics in the 3D Ising Spin-Glass Model.I.Energy Relaxation and Domain Coarsening
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- Dilution Effects on Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnets with Non-Magnetic Spin-Gapped Ground State
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- Quantum Phase Transition of Two-Dimensional Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
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- Magnetic Responses of Mean-Field Ising Models for Reentrant Spin Glasses
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- An Extended Mean Field Model for Spin Glasses: Antiferromagnetic-Spin Glass Systems : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Dynamical Mean Field Theory of Spin Glasses and Their Phase Transitions in ac External Fields
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