Cluster Model of Hadrons
- 論文の詳細を見る
A model is proposed in which most of baryon resonances are understood as octet and decuplet composite systems of the 1/2^+ octet baryon and the 0^- octet meson. A classification of baryons based on the model is proposed in the form of periodic table. Experimental results and phenomenological rules to suggest such a cluster structure of baryons are explained. The mass formula of the model is capable of explaining most of observed baryon resonances. Interactions between the constituent baryon and meson are shown almost independent of their isospin, hypercharge and relative angular momentum. The spin-orbit coupling part of the interactions is found to be consistent with the sign of polarization of recoil protons in π-N scattering.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1967-05-25
Sawada Shoji
Department Of Physics Hiroshima University
Otsuki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Otsuki Shoichiro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Toyoda Fumihiko
Department Of Electrical And Communication Engineering Kinki University Of School Of Humanity-orient
Fukushima Yoshihiro
Department Of Applied Physics Fukuoka University
Fukushima Yoshihiro
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
OTSUKI Shoichiro
Department of Liberal Arts, Kinki University
- Nuclear Interaction of Core Region
- On p-He^4 Effective Potential and Nuclear Forces
- Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering at High Energy
- Chapter 3 One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Inelastic Process and the One Boson Exchange Model. II
- Inelastic Process and the One-Boson-Exchange Model
- Semileptonic Decays of B Meson into Charmed Higher Resonances in the Heavy Quark Effective Theory : Particles and Fields
- Chapter II Stability of Chiral Solitons
- Four-Phase Structure of ρ Meson Coupled Skyrmions on S^3 : Particles and Fields
- Multi-Skyrmion with ρ and ω Mesons : Particles and Fields
- On the Chiral Soliton Model with ρ Mesons
- Vector and Axial-Vector Mesons in the Skyrme Model : Particles and Fields
- An Effective Lagrangian for Pions, ρ Mesons and Skyrmions : Particles and Fields
- Explicit CP Breaking and Electroweak Baryogenesis : Particles and fields
- Numerical Approach to CP-Violating Dirac Equation
- CP-Violating Profile of the Electroweak Bubble Wall : Particles and Fields
- Chiral Charge Flux and Electroweak Baryogenesis
- Baryon Number Violating Collision in Terms of Bounce Configuration
- Scattering with Baryon Number Violation : The Case of Higgs Particle Production : Particles and Fields
- Formulation of Baryon Number Violating Collisions : The Case of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Fields
- Sphaleron Transition of Reduced O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Particles and Feilds
- Sphalerons of O(3) Nonlinear Sigma Model on a Circle : Particles and Fields
- Vortex String Picture and Large p_T Reactions
- Hard Core and Absorption in a Two-Channel Model for Proton-Proton Collision
- Nuclear Force and OBEC-Model
- Hair Pin Line Rule and Baryonium Decay
- String-Junction Model and Width of Baryonium
- Remarks on Shape of Repulsive Core of Nuclear Forces
- Nucleon-Nucleon Potential of One-Boson-Exchange Type
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, lV : Photodisintegration of Deuteron at 20 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, III : p-p Scattering at 18.2 Mev
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theorelical Potential, II : Singlet Even State
- Two-Nucleon Problem with Pion Theoretical Potential, I : Determination of Coupling Constant and Deuteron Problem
- Determination of the Pion Coupling Constant in Nuclear Forces
- Part II Verification of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Part I Development of Pion Theory of Nuclear Forces
- Chapter 3 Mass Formula in the SAKATA Model(Part II. The Composite Model for Elementary Particles)
- Meson-theoretical Potentials in N^
- The Properties of the Meson Theoretical Potentials in Li^6
- A Possible Origin of Repulsive Core in Nuclear Forces
- On the Polarization in Elastic Pion-Nucleon Scattering in a Few GeV Region
- Baryon Magnetic Moments in the Quark Model and Pion Cloud Contributions
- On the Radiative Muon Decay
- On Classical Configurations of SU(2) Gauge-Higgs System : Particles and Fields
- Solitons with the Hopf Index versus Skyrmions in SU(2) Nonlinear Sigma Model : Progress Letters
- A Soliton Solution with Baryon Number B=0 and Skyrmion : Progress Letters
- Constituent Rearrangement Model and Hadron Reactions
- Transverse Momentum in the Multiple Production Processes and Urbaryon Rearrangement Model
- Large p_T Hadron Production and Urbaryon Rearrangement Model
- All-Angle Features of Urbaryon Rearrangement Amplitudes and Two-Step Structure of Constructive Forces
- All-Angle Behavior of Two-Body Scattering and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- Universality of Urbaryon Rearrangement Amplitudes
- Hadronic Reactions and the Rearrangement of Sakatons
- Hadron Reactions and Urbaryon Rearrangement
- Multiple Production Processes and Rearrangement of Sakatons
- Duality and Rearrangement of Sakaton
- The Rearrangement of Sakatons and High Energy Two-Body Scattering. II
- A Note on Sum Rules of dσ/d|t-t_|
- Rearrangement of Sakatons and High Energy Two-Body Scattering
- High Energy Inelastic Scattering by Rearrangemement of Sakatons
- A Possible Symmetry in Sakata's Model for Bosons-Baryons System. III
- Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering and f^0-Meson
- Evidence for Existence of a Repulsive Core in the Λ-N Interaction
- On Pion-Nucleon Scattering at High Energies
- Report on Symposium on Elementary Particles
- The τ^+-decay and the Boson Isobar with I=2 of the Sakata Model
- P-Wave Charmed Mesons
- Effects of Mass Width of Bosons on Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering
- On the Possible Role of π^0´-Meson in Decay Process
- The Single Pion Production Process in π^--p Collision at 1 Bev and the Sakata Model
- Urbaryon Rearrangement and Breaking of Line Reversal Relations. II
- Urbaryon Rearrangement and D/F Ratios
- An Attempt at Systematizing Meson-Baryon Resonances
- The F/D Ratios of Spin-Flip Baryon Vertex in 1/N_c Expansion
- Multi-Body Hadronic Reactions and Urbaryon Model
- One Boson Exchange Model in Nucleon-Nucleon Scattering. II
- Mass Levels of Baryons and Mesons
- A Refinement of the Okubo-Gell-Mann Mass Relations
- High Energy Forward Scattering and the Urbaryon Model
- Single Pion Production Process in Pion-Nucleon Collision and the Sakata Model
- Unified Description of Meson and Baryon Masses and the Charmed Particles
- Meson Theoretical Potentials in Triplet Odd State
- A Classification of Nucleon Resonances through Pattern Recognition
- Mass and Selection Rule of Baryonium
- The 1/N Expansion and Quark-Junction Systems
- On the Role of String-Junction in Hadron Reactions
- Hadron Structure with String-Junction and Large Momentum Transfer Phenomena
- Structure and Interaction of Hadrons with Orientable String
- Orientable Hadron Structure
- Meson-Baryon Backward Scattering and Resonance Correlation
- Rearrangement of Urbaryon Lines and Forces between Composite Hadrons
- Selection Rule of Strong Interactions and Decays of ψ-Particles
- Cluster Model of Hadrons
- Cluster Model of Hadrons. II : Mass Spectrum and Decay of Mesons
- Quarks as Quasi-Particle and the Cluster Model of Hadrons
- How Can Several Baryoniums Be Narrow? : Mass Formula and Selection Rule of Unconventional Hadrons
- Phase Structure of a Quantized Chiral Soliton on S^3 : Particles and Fields
- Stability of Quantized Chiral Soliton Coupled with the ρ Meson : Particles and Fields
- Masses of New Mesons and Effects of the Fifth Flavour
- Masses of Charmed Baryons and F/D Ratio