A Note on the Gauge Transformation in the Theory of Non-local Interaction of the Fields
Ozaki S.
Physics Institute Tohoku University Sendai
Okamura Y.
Physics Institute, Kyushu University
Nagata S.
Physics Institute, Kyushu University
- On the New Mode of Interaction between Spinor Fields
- On the Decay of a Heavy Meson into Lighter Mesons.
- On the Decay of Heavy Mesons. I. : On Pauli's Regulator in the Calculation of Meson Decay Problems.
- Applicability of Pauli's Regulator to the γ-Decay of Neutrettos
- 23. On the Decay of Heavy Meson II : Case of the Symmetrical Interaction
- 22. On the Decay of heavy Mesons I : On Paull's Regulator in the Calculation of Meson Decay Problems
- A Note on the Gauge Transformation in the Theory of Non-local Interaction of the Fields