Bifurcation Structure of Eigenstates and Periodic Trajectories in TDHF Phase Space : Weak Nonlinearity Case in SU(3) Model : Nuclear Physics
- 論文の詳細を見る
To find out how quantum bifurcation phenomena manifest themselves in the space of states, various periodic trajectories accompanied with several sets of bifurcated trajectories are studied for a simple quantum model Hamiltonian under a time-dependent mean-field approximation. Making use of the quantum-classical correspondence, a method of classifying the eigenstates and of visualizing the global structures of the whole space of eigenstates is proposed. By means of the profile functions of the eigenstates, appropriate sets of eigenstates representing the quantum correspondents of the bifurcations are found. The idea of quantum bifurcations is supported by similar behavior of the energy vs period time (E-T) plots of the periodic trajectories and the eigenstates.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1998-12-25
Institute of Physics, University of Tsukuba
TSUKUMA Hidehiko
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Sakata Fumihiko
Department Of Mathematical Sciences Ibaraki University
Hashimoto Yukio
Institute Of Physics University Of Tsukuba
Sakata F
Ibaraki Univ. Mito Jpn
TSUKUMA Hidehiko
Information Processing Center,Hiroshima University
Institute of Physics,University of Tsukuba
TSUKUMA Hidehiko
Hiroshima University Hospital
Iwasawa Kazuo
Institute For Nuclear Study University Of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Institute for Nuclear Study, University of Tokyo
Institute of Physics,Uniersity of Tsukuba
- 実空間におけるRPA方程式の解法(有限量子多体系の励起構造と相関効果-原子核・量子ドット・ボース凝縮・クラスターを中心として-,研究会報告)
- 実空間における RPA 方程式の解法(「有限量子多体系の励起構造と相関効果」-原子核・量子ドット・ボース凝縮・クラスターを中心として-,研究会報告)
- Solving the RPA Eigenvalue Equation in Real-Space(Nuclear Physics)
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- Breaking of Separability Condition for Dynamical Collective Subspace : Onset of Quantum Chaos in Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Nuclear Phusics
- A Role of the Two-body Collision in the Nuclear Shape Evolution (原子核動力学における散逸と減衰)
- Preface
- Chapter 7. Coupling between Collective and Intrinsic Modes of Excitation : Part IV. A Next Subject
- Chapter 1. Intrinsic and Collective Degrees of Freedom in Quasi-Spin Space : Part II. General Formulation of Theory
- The Influence of the Pairing Degrees of Freedom on the Collective Excited States : Schematic Analysis
- Projection Operator Method for Collective Tunneling Transitions
- A Possible Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation in Band-Crossing Region:Occurrence Mechanism of s-Band
- Bifurcation Structure of Eigenstates and Periodic Trajectories in TDHF Phase Space : Weak Nonlinearity Case in SU(3) Model : Nuclear Physics
- A Numerical Study on the Structure Change of Collective Motions
- New Algorithm for Hartree-Fock Variational Equation : Nuclear Physics
- Quantum Nonlinear Resonance : Nuclear Physics
- Microscopic Description of Nuclear Collective Rotation by Means of the Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method : Occurrence Mechanism of Collective Rotation : Nuclear Physics
- Extraction of Dynamical Collective Subspace for Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Application to Simple Solvable Model : Nuclear Physics
- Optimum Collective Submanifold in Resonant Cases by the Self-Consistent Collective-Coordinate Method for Large-Amplitude Collective Motion
- Collective, Dissipative and Stochastic Motions in the TDHF Theory : Nuclear Physics
- Concept of Dynamical Collective Submanifold for Large-Amplitude Collective Motion in the TDHF Theory : Nuclear Physics
- Intrinsic Excitation Modes Compatible with Large-Amplitude Collective Motion in the TDHF Theory : Nuclear Physics
- Applicability of the Concept of "Optimal" Collective Submanifold Determined by the Self-Consistent Collective-Coordinate Method : Long-Time Behavior of Trajectories on "Optimal" Collective Submanifold : Nuclear Physics
- Geometry of the Self-Consistent Collective-Coordinate Method for the Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Stability Condition of Maximally-Decoupled Collective Submanifold
- Maximally-Decoupled Collective Submanifold in a Simple Solvable Model
- An Attempt toward Quantum Theory of "Maximally-Decoupled"Collective Motion
- Quantum Theory of Collective Motion : Quantized Self-Consistent Collective-Coordinate Method for the Large-Amplitude Nuclear Collective Motion
- Self-Consistent Collective-Coordinate Method for the Large-Amplitude Nuclear Collective Motion
- Microscopic Theory of Large Amplitude Collective Dynamics and Quantum Chaos (原子核集団ダイナミックスの新動向)
- Investigation on Microscopic Dynamics of Dissipation in Nuclear Collective Motion (原子核動力学における散逸と減衰)
- Nonlinear Dynamics of Nuclear Collective Motion
- Correlation Analysis of Quantum Fluctuations and Repulsion Effects of Classical Dynamics in SU (3) model
- A Microscopic Theory of the So-Called "Two-Phonon" States in Even-Even Nuclei. II : Formulation
- Chapter 2 Outline of the Mode-Mode Coupling Theory
- Chapter 1 Present Status of the Microscopic Study of Low-Lying Collective States in Spherical and Transitional Nuclei
- A New Method for Microscopic Description of the So-Called "Many-Phonon" States in Spherical Even-Even Nuclei. I
- Structure of the Anomalous 0^ Excited States in Spherical Even-Even Nuclei with N or Z≈ 40
- In What Sense Does the Phonon Picture Persist in Spherical Even-Even Nuclei?
- Chapter 3 A New Microscopic Method for Describing the Elementary Modes of Excitation in the Intrinsic Subspace : Dressed n-Quasiparticle Modes and Multi-Phonon Excitation
- Correlation Analysis of Quantum Fluctuations and Repulsion Effects of Classical Dynamics in SU(3) model(Nuclear Physics)
- Dissipation Mechanism of the Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Dynamical Evolution of a Collective Bundle of Trajectories in the TDHF Phase Space for a Simple Soluble Model : Nuclear Physics
- Quantum Theory of Dynamical Collective Subspace for Large-Amplitude Collective Motion : Nuclear Physics
- Present Status of the Microscopic Study of Low-Lying Collective States in Spherical and Transitional Nuclei (Microscopic Study of Low-Lying Collective States in Spherical and Transitional Nuclei--Dynamical Interplay between Pairing and Quadrupole Modes)
- Bifurcation Structure of Eigenstates and Periodic Trajectories in TDHF Phase Space : Weak Nonlinearity Case in SU(3) Model : Nuclear Physics