Goldberger-Treiman Relation in the Unitary Symmetry Model
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1964-10-25
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Central University
Tsai S.
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Ogimoto Takesi
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Ogimoto Takesi
Department Of Physics Osaka University : Lawrence Radiation Labora-tory University Of California
Tsai S.
Department Of Mechanical Engineering National Central University
Tsai S.
Department Of Electrical Engineering National Chi Nan University
Department of Physics, Osaka University : Lawrence Radiation Labora-tory, University of California
- Study on gravity flow of granules in beds supported by louver-sublouver system
- Productions and Decays of Short-Lived Particles in e^+-e^- Colliding Beam Experiments
- Electroweak Gauge Models and Lepton Conservation Laws
- Magnetoelectronic Properties of a Single-Layer Graphite(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Deformable Sphere Model of Elementary Particles and Its Relation to Quark
- A Quantum Theory of the Rigid Body in Terms of a Two-Component Spinor
- Maximum Analyticity in Angular Momentum and Energy of the Bethe-Salpeter Scattering Amplitudes
- Macroscopic Causality and Lower Limit for the Momentum Derivative of the Scattering Phase Shift
- Quantum Theory in Pseudo-Hilbert Space. II
- Goldberger-Treiman Relation in the Unitary Symmetry Model
- The Generalized Stueckelberg Formalism and the Glashow-Weinberg-Salam Electroweak Model
- Experimental Constraints to Rephasing-Invariant CP, T and CPT Violating Parameters in the Neutral Kaon System : Particles and Fields
- A Phenomenological Study of Violation of CP and CPT Symmetries in the Neutral Kaon System
- Anti-Shrinkage of the p-p^^- Diffraction Scattering
- Quantum Theory in Pseudo-Hilbert Space
- A Phenomenological Study of Violation of PC Invariance in Decays of K^0 and K^^-^0
- Fabrication of nanoscaled-schottky diodes based on metal silicide/silicon nanowire with scanning probe lithography and Wet etching and its electrical characterization
- ΔS=-ΔQ Semi-Leptonic Decays and CP Violation
- Continuation of S-Matrix into Second Riemann Sheet
- Meso-Strong and Weak Interactions in the SU(3)閑SU(3)" Scheme of the Three-Triplet Model
- Neutrino-Lepton Scattering and Lepton Conservation Laws
- Superweak Interaction of Neutral Currents
- ΔS=-ΔQ Transition, ΔI=1/2 Rule and CP Violation in Kaon Leptonic Decays
- A Low Pressure Inductively-Coupled High Density Plasma Source for VLSI/ULSI Processing
- Lepton Conservation, μ-e Symmetry, Neutral Currents and the Principle of univ
- Construction of the Jost Function Including Inelastic Processes
- Macroscopic Causality and Lower Limit for the Energy Derivative of the Scattering Phase Shift : Relativistic Case
- Correlated versus Uncorrelated Diquarks: A Cascade Model of Quark and Diquark Fragmentation into Mesons and Baryons : Particles and Fields
- Fabrication and Electrical Characterization of Nanoscaled-Schottky Diodes Based on Metal Silicide/Silicon Nanowires with Scanning Probe Lithography and Wet Etching