Structure of Anomalous Coupling (j-1) States
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1971-09-25
Matsuyanagi Kenichi
Department Of Physics Graduate School Of Science Kyoto University
Matsuyanagi Kenichi
Department Of Physics Kyushu University
Department of Physics, Kyushu University
- A Model Analysis of Triaxial Deformation Dynamics in Oblate-Prolate Shape Coexistence Phenomena(Nuclear Physics)
- 有限量子系のシェル構造と古典周期軌道
- Microscopic Derivation of Collective Hamiltonian by Means of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method : Shape Mixing in Low-Lying States of ^Se and ^Kr(Nuclear Physics)
- Microscopic Description of Shape Coexistence Phenomena around ^Se and ^Kr(International Workshop on Nuclear Structure-New Pictures in the Extended Isospin Space(NS07)-)
- Gauge-Invariant Formulation of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Effects of Time-Odd Components in Mean Field on Large Amplitude Collective Dynamics (Nuclear Physics)
- Collective Paths Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Shapes in ^Se and ^Kr Suggested by the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method(Nuclear Physics)
- Collective Path Connecting the Oblate and Prolate Local Minima in ^Se
- Application of the Adiabatic Self-Consistent Collective Coordinate Method to a Solvable Model of Prolate-Oblate Shape Coexistence(Nuclear Physics)
- Diabatic Mean-Field Description of Rotational Bands in Terms of the Selfconsistent Collective Coordinate Method