Thermodynamic Behavior of a Model Hamiltonian for a Mixture of He^3 and He^4
- 論文の詳細を見る
The model treatment of a previous work for a mixture of the boson and fermion systems is extended to finite temperatures, using sum rules. The Fermi liquid theory is used in the sound velocity expression to express the stability region of the both system for the coexistence. The boundary curve for the stability region in the lower concentrations of He^3 up to about 30% fits the phase diagram of the He^3-He^4 mixture well, if we apply our theory to the He^3-He^4 mixture using the Fermi liquid theory. However, beyond this concentration, our approximation loses its validity, and we have a deviation from the experimental curve. A possible remedy for this is discussed.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1970-09-25
Soda Toshio
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Education
Sawada Katuro
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Education:(present Address) Institute Of Physics T
Nagata Tsuneo
Department Of Physics Tokyo University Of Education
Sawada Katuro
Department Of Applied Physics Tokyo University Of Education
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- Five Dimensional Approach to Regularized Quantum Electrodynamics
- Charge Trapping by a Vortex Line in Superfluid Helium
- Sum Rule Analysis of Two-Branch Excitation Spectrum of Liquid He^4
- Model Treatment of a Dilute He^3 Solution in Liquid He^4
- On the Propagation of Quantum Wave : Generalized Random Phase Approximation
- Note on the Finite Extension of Electron.
- Transport Properties of Superfluid ^3He
- Integrability and a Solution for the One-Dimensional N-Particle System with Inversely Quadratic Pair Potentials
- Note on the Self-Energy and Self-Stress. II.