Production Mechanisms of H-Quantum and Inclusive Two-Particle Correlations in the Central Region
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Inclusive two-particle correlations in the central region are investigated in the framework of production and decay of H-quantum, the fire ball with the average constant mass and decay multiplicity. We assume an independent emission of H-quantum with the distribution localized at the rapidities specified by the velocity quantization hypothesis. The multiperipheral emission is corresponding to the limiting case that the distribution is flat and the maximum number of H-quanta is infinity. We show that the characteristic feature of the velocity quantized and independent emission is the negative short range correlation between H-quanta. As a result, the average charged decay multiplicity <K_c>≅4 is quite consistent with the inclusive two-particle correlations observed at NAL and ISR, while the multiperipheral emission, where there is no correlation between H-quanta, leads to <K_c>∼2.7.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1975-06-25
鈴木 久男
Suzuki Haruo
Department Of Applied Physics Nagoya University:(present Address) Technical Research Center Nippon K
Hama Mitsuru
Department Of Applied Mathematics Faculty Of Engineering Science Osaka University
Suzuki Sohkichi
Deparment Of Physics Rikkyo University
Deparment of Physics, Rikkyo University
SUZUKI Sohkichi
Deparment of Physics, Rikkyo University
Suzuki Sohkichi
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
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