The First Precise Test of the Electroweak Theory Independent of the Neutrino Experiments
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New experimental data of MARK II, CDF and UA2 on the weak boson masses enable a clean and precise test of the electroweak theory which does not depend on the neutrino experiments for the first time. By using the M_W-M_Z relation (a theoretical relation) and M_Z^<exp>=91.17±0.18 GeV (MARK II), the W mass is calculated as M_W^<(0)>=80.92±0.22 GeV and M_W=80.00±0.23 GeV without and with the electroweak radiative corrections respectively. The data M_W^<exp>=80.0±0.56 GeV (CDF+UA2) clearly shows the existence of the radiative corrections.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1989-11-25
日置 善郎
Hioki Zenro
Department Of Physics Kyoto University
Hioki Zenro
Department Of Physics College Of General Education University Of Tokushima
Department of Physics, College of General Education University of Tokushima
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