Factorization of Deep Inelastic Final State Interactions in Quarkonium Models
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We consider the deep inelastic process for a nonrelativistic quark confined by the potential, allowing emissions of mesons for transitions from one level to the others of the quark bound states. We study the mechanisms by which the meson emission process (quark materialization) can be factorized out, and clarify it for some examples of the potential. These mechanisms are useful in understanding the similar problem in relativistic field theories.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 1980-07-25
Kanki Takeshi
Institute of Physics, College of General Education, Osaka University
Kanki Takeshi
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka University
RYANG Shijong
Departmet of Physics, Osaka University
Ryang Shijong
Department Of Phsysics Osaka University
Kanki Takeshi
Institute Of Physics College Of General Education Osaka Univeristy
RYANG Shijong
Department of Phsysics, Osaka University
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