Classification and Dynamics of Equivalence Classes in SU (N) Gauge Theory on the Orbifold S^1/Z_2 (Particles and Fields)
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The dynamical determination of the boundary conditions in SU (N) gauge theory on the orbifold S^1/Z_2 is investigated. We classify the equivalence classes of the boundary conditions, and then the vacuum energy density of the theory in each equivalence class is evaluated at one loop order. Unambiguous comparison of the vacuum energy densities in the two theories in different equivalence classes becomes possible in supersymmetric theories. It is found that in the supersymmetric SU (5) models with the Scherk-Schwarz supersymmetry breaking, the theory with the boundary conditions yielding the standard model symmetry is in the equivalence class with the lowest energy density, though the low energy theory is not identically the minimal supersymmetric standard model. We also study how particular boundary conditions are chosen in the cosmological evolution of the universe.
- 理論物理学刊行会の論文
- 2004-02-25
Haba Naoyuki
Institute of Theoretical Physics, University of Tokushima
Haba Naoyuki
Institute Of Theoretical Physics University Of Tokushima
Hosotani Y
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Hosotani Yutaka
Department Of Physics Osaka University
Kawamura Y
Shinshu Univ. Matsumoto Jpn
Kawamura Yoshiharu
Department Of Physics Shinshu University
Kawamura Yoshiharu
Department Of Physics Kanazawa University
HABA Naoyuki
Department of Physics, Nagoya University
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- Explicit CP Violation in the Higgs Sector of the Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model : Particles and Fields
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- A Comment on a New Interpretation of the Chiral Anomaly
- 4D Equivalence Theorem and Gauge Symmetry on an Orbifold(Particles and Fields)
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- Cubic Matrices, Generalized Spin Algebra and Uncertainty Relation(Particles and Fields)
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- Gauge-Higgs unification in the 5 dimensional E_6 and E_7 GUTs on orbifold(SUMMER INSTITUTE 2003)
- Cosmology in the Einstein-Electroweak Theory and Magnetic Fields
- 4D equivalence theorem and gauge symmetry on an orbifold
- Gravitating Fermionic Lumps with a False Vacuum Core
- Dynamical symmetry breaking in 5D Gauge-Higgs unification models on orbifold