ディアコニアの展開としての人間福祉学 (聖学院大学創立10周年記念論文集)
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This article is an attempt to seek the basis of Human Welfare in the theological concept of "diakonia". The first part follows the historical development of welfare in Japan from ancient times down to modern times and seeks to find a way to Human Welfare and the Science of Diakonia or Diakonics. I.Seeking the Idea of Human Welfare (1) From Social Work to Social Welfare (2) From Social Welfare to Human Welfare (3) Human Welfare and the Science of Diakonia. The latter part of the article deals mainly with the problem of "diakonia" as follows: II.Science of Diakonia or Diakonics in Christian Theology. (1) What is "diakonia" and the Diakonics? (2) Historical development of Diakonics and its recent state. III.Basic problem of Diakonics. (1) Three concepts: "diakonia," "leitourgia" and "martyria," or four concepts adding "koinonia" (2) Three-concepts theory and its evaluation. (3) Four-concepts theory and its evaluation. IV.Diakonics in modern theology (1) Martyria type of Diakonics in the final stage of Karl Barth's theology. (2) Trinitarian type of Diakonics in Jürgen Moltmann. Final Remarks: Conflict between spirit and technics in Human Welfare and the task of integrating three-and four-types Diakonics.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
聖学院大学 | 論文
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