玄宗皇帝の図書館行政史話 : 帝室図書館長の阿部仲麻呂と、日中の文士人・政客との清交に及ぶ (前編)
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Looking back over the history of books and libraries in the East and West, it can safely be said that the loss of books through the years due to natural disasters, mishandling, political uprising, etc. surpasses anything we might imagine. The case of China, which we will address here, is no exception; it's not too much to say that the history of the written word in China over the past 3,000 years is a continuous cycle of the collection and disappearance of books and manuscripts. The era of Shen-tang, a dynasty reigned by the uncommonly benevolent Xuan Zong (玄宗) , was among the most flourishing periods in the histoty of China in every respect - politically, economi-cally, diplomatically, and culturally. Following the exammple of the emperors of the Chu-tang period, Shen-tang, with the assistance of the chief secretary of the Monastic Library, devoted himself to the collection, classification adn cataloguing of library materials, which corresponds to what we refer to today as "library administration". In what follows as part one of this paper, we will introduce portions of several chronicles which we hane uncobered in our research, which were recorded more than 1,000 years ago. Abeno Nakamaro (阿部仲麻呂) , referred to in the subtitle, was sent to China as an envoy in 717,during the Tung_ dynasty. Being young and intelligent, he chose to take a special course which enabled him to become a civil officer there. Thereafter, he was promoted by Emperer Xuan Zong to the position of chief secretary of the Monastic Library, in which capacity he made monumantal contributions to library administration in China. During that time, he formed close friendships with such famous poets of the Tang dynasty as Li Bai (李白) , Wang Wei (王維) , Chu Guang-xi (儲光義) , Bao Ji (包佶) and Du Fu (杜甫) .In addition, he cultivated warm friendships with Kibino Makibi (吉備真備) , a colleague who accompanied him to China from Japan, and with the Japanese Buddhist priest Gen Bo (玄〓) His was a very full and artistic life. We will take up his story as Part 2 of this paper.
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