5kgの秤で7kgを超えるものの重さをはかれるか? (聖学院大学創立10周年記念論文集)
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If we have a spring balance which can weigh up to only 5kg, then is it possible to weigh an undividable object which weighs 7kg or more? Some university students were asked to try to solve this problem. Most students thought it impossible. Some students suggested using several spring balances for weighing, but they did not show how to apply the tools. At the next stage, the author explained to them the serial or parallel application of spring balances to the object, and the mechanism and function of a steelyard, demonstrating this with a wooden stick. Then the students were requested to try again, drawing illustration of the solution. The 19 sketches are shown in Fig. 3. Only three, 12, 13 and 14, solved the problem correctly. It is not so easy for students to imagine the direction, size and point of application of the force(s) correctly.
- 聖学院大学の論文
- 1999-03-25
聖学院大学 | 論文
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