デューイにおける「経験の再構築と教育」再考(IV) : 生と死の社会的構築
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The main purpose of this study is to rethink the meanings of life and death in John Dewey's theory of education. His social constructivist theory of learning based on mutual growth can be grasped as one of the contemporary life-long integral education, but it is important to note that death is omitted from the latter. First, the mutuality of participation in communities is explained. As Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger pointed out, the significance of participation is in the way we become a part of community of practice. Second, Deweyan sense of life is examined. The continuum of lives of our belonging society and ours should not be destroyed. Participation constructs our social life, and it is organized in a socially constructed way. Third, complementarily, the relationship of death education and Dewey is explored. Dewey said little about death, but his grief of death of his sons and his friend, G. H. Mead tells us Dewey's keen sensitivity about life and death. As death education admits the tragic sense of life, it may be seen to be similar to Deweyan pragmatism, but more detail and careful study on this similarity is needed.
論文 | ランダム
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