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本調査は、通院中の脳卒中患者の健康に関連した生活の質(HRQOL)に影響する要因を明らかにすることを目的とした。対象はS市内3施設の外来で、同意の得られた脳卒中患者334名である。方法は質問紙を用い、自記又は聞き取りによって調査した。主な内容は、基本的属性、日常生活習慣、疾病の状態、およびQOL測定に日本語版EuroQol5項目とHRQOLスコアを用いた。分析は統計パッケージSPSS for windows ver.11.5jを用いた。その結果、HRQOLスコアは平均0.775±0.204で、男性に有意に得点が高かった。重回帰分析の結果、HRQOLには成人、高齢者共に、後遺症の麻痺、言語障害、痺れ、痛み、健康管理のセルフエフィカシーが影響していた。さらに、高齢者では、処方薬剤数や睡眠薬使用の有無、現在の健康状態、成人では発症時の重症感が影響していた。The purpose of this study was to clarify the factors that influence the Health Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) of stroke outpatients. The participants were 334 outpatients from 3 institutions in a city in northern Japan who gave their consent. Data was collected from questionnaires, which were completed either by the participants themselves or by one of the investigators for the participant. The questionnaire was designed to examine patient characteristics, daily life habits and the disease state of the patients. The HRQOL score and five items from the Japanese version of EuroQol were also used. Statistical analysis was carried outing using the statistics package SPSS 11.5J for Windows. The average HRQOL score was 0.775±0.204, with the HRQOL score of males being significantly higher than that of females. A multiple linear regression analysis showed that HRQOL in both adults and elderly patients was influenced by the degree of paralysis, speech disorder, numbness, and pain, and self-efficacy as measured by the health promotion scale. In elderly patients, HRQOL was influenced by the number of medications taken, sleeping medicine and the patient's current health status. In adult patients, HRQOL was influenced by how serious the patient felt their illness was.