- 論文の詳細を見る
The phenomena of snow deposition and hoar frost on the pieces of the fur and the cloth which were used in the logistics at Syowa Station, Antarctica were observed from the beginning of July to the middle of October, 1968 For the observations, thirteen kinds of pieces of fur and cloth were selected as test specimens, wolverine, badger, sheep, boa (outer gloves), boa (inner gloves), boa (carpet), wool, flannel, vinylon (canvas), vinylon (tent), calico, nylon and tetron. The results obtained are as follows, (i) The amount of snow deposition on the fur of badger was much larger than on two other furs, and that of the fur of wolverine was extremely small. (ii) The amount of snow deposition on boa, wool and flannel was not less than that of wolverine, but smaller than that of badger and sheep (iii) Hoar frost on the specimens due to the falling temperature during the night was remarkable on vinylon (canvas) and vinylon (tent)
- 国立極地研究所の論文
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