階層問題としての小学校受験志向 : 家族の経済的・人口的・文化的背景に着目して(<特集>少子社会と子ども・学校・家族)
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This research based on a questionnaire survey of 604 mothers discusses different social classes of parents who choose the national or private elementary school for their children in the metropolitan area. According to the results of this survey, the following trends appear to be evident. Parents who choose private schools are likely to hold highly respected occupations with higher incomes. They are about five years older than the regular parents of the kindergarteners. Those fathers who meet the requirements for the elementary school entrance examination are from the age group of around 35 years old or older and are in the administrative position in their companies. On the other hand, mothers that have made the choice of not having more than one child was because they are already too old to give birth. Moreover, many of those mothers with much cultural capital, helped their children's successful performance at the entrance examination. This, in fact, contributes to the cultural reproduction of social classes. As a result of these factors, the parents succeed increating a luxurious educational environment where they invest economic capital and cultural capital in "only one child".
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2004-12-30
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