学校の自律性に関するシステム論的検討 : 学校は教育の責任主体たりうるか(<特集>国家の教育責任と地方分権 : 「学校」の変貌を問う)
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The plan for decentralization of authority of education has been steadily proceeding by deregulating and transferring of financial resources to regional administrations, while at the same time schools are becoming independent and autonomous. That is to say, decentralization of authority of education assumes that schools could be the subject in the responsibility for education. In the view of the social system theory, this thesis theoretically examines the construction and mechanism of Independence and Autonomy that schools are expected to achieve, and what types of schools could become autonomous.According to Niklas Luhmann, one of the main critics of the social system theory, the social system is an autopoietic system, which is completely self-referent and self-productive. Many actions in the system are explained as independent and autonomous. The autopoietic system has an open but closed paradoxical structure; this is due to the self-referent recurring communication within the system and the function of checking differences constantly from without. This means that the autopoietic system is restrained in the paradox of the autonomy where it has to be dependent yet independent at the same time. Schools are part of the social systems, therefore they originally have had the autonomy. However, schools have little experience in recognizing the differences between the external environment and themselves independently and autonomously, and in dealing with the differences as visible paradox evolutionally, because they have had the structure strongly framed by the nation since The Meiji Restoration. In this regard, it is much worthy of notice that school evaluation is placed at the center of the current educational reform debate. School evaluation allows schools to recognize the differences between the system and the external environment although it is half compulsory. By doing so, schools get the opportunity to exercise Autonomy. However, this also illustrates the autopoietic paradox. In the relationships in the education (relationships such as teachers and students, teachers and parents, schools and communities, and so on) each unit cannot control both the other and itself at will, because each unit of the relationships is autonomous. The more schools endeavor to make themselves the autonomous system, the more all the systems related to schools will be restrained by the autopoietic paradox. The nation is not an expeotion. The paradox that all organizations involved in schooling, including the nation, are restrained by the autopoietic paradox is the ultimate problem of Autonomy that schools face.
- 日本教育学会の論文
- 2004-06-30
- III 臨床教育社会学の検証2 : 臨床観の交換(課題研究報告)
- 変動期における学校と地域 : 小・中学校教員対象質問紙調査(2005年)をもとに(20 教育と社会,自由研究発表II,発表要旨)
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- 教職の専門性と教師文化に関する研究 : 日本・中国・イギリスの3カ国比較(III-7 教師(1))
- 3.「総合的な学習の時間」が描いた学校改革 : その理想と現実(II-2部会 カリキュラム,研究発表II,日本教育社会学会第58回大会)
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- 協働の同僚性としての《チーム》 : 学校臨床社会学から(教育現場の多様化と教育学の課題)
- ホームはどこ? : 他所者による実践と支援と観察(臨床教育社会学の検証2 : 臨床観の交換)
- 学校の自律性に関するシステム論的検討 : 学校は教育の責任主体たりうるか(国家の教育責任と地方分権 : 「学校」の変貌を問う)
- 教師支援における「臨床的な教育社会学」の有効性(教育臨床の社会学)
- 武藤孝典[編著], 『人格・価値教育の新しい発展-日本・アメリカ・イギリス-』, A5 判, 264 頁, 本体 3, 000 円, 学文社, 2002 年 5 月刊
- 高旗正人[編著], 「教育実践の測定研究-授業づくり・学級づくりの評価-」, A5判, 278頁, 本体3,000円, 東洋館出版社
- 2. 「総合的な学習の時間」はどこへ向かうのか(V-4部会 【一般部会】学校(2),研究発表V,一般研究報告)
- 3. 「総合的な学習の時間」のカリキュラム特性と機能 : 10年目の総括(I-2部会 学校(1),研究発表I,一般研究報告)
- 教師へのまなざし,教職への問い : 教育社会学は変動期の教師をどう描いてきたのか(ゆらぐ教員世界と教職の現在)
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- 和井田清司著, 『高校総合学習の研究 自律的学習の展開』, 三恵社刊, 2012年3月発行, A5判, 266頁, 本体価格6,000円